Thursday, December 6, 2012

Create Windows Start Orb in Corel Draw

In this Article, we are going to create Windows Start orb in corel draw. Let’s have a look.

Step #1
To create windows start orb, first select Ellipse Tool (F5) and draw circle then add color to it. After that select fountain fill (F11), choose dark color and middle color lighter, choose type radial from drop down menu. Do the same setting as from the image below.
Step #2
Now to add glassy effect, Select the  Bezier tool and make triangle then select shape tool. Create curves both sides as on the screenshot below:
Now do the same with the bottom line
Step #3
Select pick tool, click on the layer and select Transparency Tool. You can see the glassy effect
Step #4
Now again select Ellipse Tool (F5). Make small circle and give light cyan color. After that, select transparency tool.
In step 3, we added transparency from up to down, this time we will add from down to up.

Step #5
Its time to create Windows design. Select Rectangle Tool (F6). Create small rectangle, select shape tool and shape it accordingly.

Do same with bottom line, then copy and paste the object. Move down and select both two layers, again copy and paste. Then click mirror horizontally and mirror vertically.

Step #6
Now color all the boxes. Upper left one with dark red, upper right with dark green, down left with dark blue, down right with dark yellow and remove outline.

And Finally, we have designed Windows Start Orb in Corel Draw.
Hope, you enjoy this Thanks!
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